Level Two Youth Project, Felixstowe


Level Two Youth Project, Felixstowe Over the past 12 months Beacon Commodities have supported a number of local charities through their Suffolk Community Foundation Grant. A large quantity of Beacon’s botanicals come through the Port of Felixstowe. It is the UK’s biggest container Port and is only 40 miles away from their Warehouse. The Port is Chinese owned and surrounded by the offices of the largest shipping companies in the world. Unfortunately, these riches do not filter [...]

Level Two Youth Project, Felixstowe2024-07-24T17:30:59+01:00

BRCGS – AA Grade


BRCGS – AA Grade We are delighted to announce that we recently passed our 4th BRCGS Audit achieving a AA Grade. Our new certificate is on it’s way to us and please let us know if you require a copy.

BRCGS – AA Grade2024-04-18T10:42:24+01:00

Macedonian Juniper Harvest


Macedonian Juniper Harvest Macedonia Trip Tommy recently returned from Macedonia where he was discussing quantities and the harvest for the next Juniper crop. This is due to start in September 2022. Given the travel restrictions it was his first trip to Macedonia for over two years and it was good to be back seeing some familiar faces. The Juniper berries are ripening It is too early to tell what the crop will look like this year [...]

Macedonian Juniper Harvest2022-07-21T11:17:59+01:00

Murcian Citrus Supplies


Murcian Citrus Supplies Checking on the progress of the citrus processing in Murcia, Spain. Almost two years to the day since his last supplier visit, Tommy dusted down his passport and headed for Murcia to check on the progress of the citrus processing. Excellent Spanish citrus fruit The region of Murcia produces excellent citrus fruit being perfectly located between mountains to west and the Mediterranean Sea to the east. Michael and Tommy have [...]

Murcian Citrus Supplies2022-03-21T18:07:44+00:00

The Russian / Ukrainian situation


The Russian / Ukrainian situation Where does botanical sourcing sit? Beacon Commodities have been following the events in Ukraine closely and are appalled with President Putin’s actions and the suffering it has caused to Ukraine and its people. Solidarity with Ukraine For a number of years, Beacon Commodities has sourced coriander from Russia and Ukraine. To show support for Ukraine, the sourcing of Russian coriander will cease immediately and any profits from the remaining stock will be [...]

The Russian / Ukrainian situation2022-03-17T12:56:08+00:00

Sussex Coriander


Sussex Coriander English coriander from planting right through to harvest The fact that this report is being sent out in December is not due to Tommy putting his feet up! We promise. It is a case of extremely testing growing conditions from planting right through to harvest. April and May in Sussex were unseasonably cold with a number of frosts throughout both months. This meant that the planting of the coriander crop was delayed until 2nd [...]

Sussex Coriander2021-12-14T11:56:29+00:00

Juniper harvest 2021


Juniper Harvest 2021 Another Juniper harvest is well under way in the Balkans. Another Juniper harvest is well under way in the Balkans. Thankfully, the yields are an improvement in 2019 and 2020 and with good quality across all the regions. This should slow down the number of grey hairs appearing on Tommy’s head! Demand The demand for Juniper has not waivered over the past 24 months. The previous two harvests have been exceptionally poor (in 2019 and [...]

Juniper harvest 20212021-10-28T10:29:19+01:00

Sourcing quality botanicals during Covid-19


Sourcing quality botanicals during Covid-19 What a testing year it has been for all! We hope the worst is past us but unfortunately this dreaded virus will create many more hurdles throughout 2021. Having to deal with Brexit at the same time has added to the ‘chaos’ as the ‘teething’ problems which were supposed to last weeks continue. Trips to see harvests Due to Covid restrictions, Tommy and Michael’s trips to see harvests and suppliers have been [...]

Sourcing quality botanicals during Covid-192021-03-16T13:05:29+00:00

Beacon Commodities on lockdown


Beacon Commodities on lockdown Some time has passed since our last Newsletter and we hope this finds you, your family and friends safe and well. What strange times we are currently living in with devastating effects to life and the hospitality industry. Beacon Commodities on lockdown Tommy and Michael have always worked from home so there has been little change in the day to day running of the business. Many trips to suppliers across the globe have been [...]

Beacon Commodities on lockdown2020-07-15T22:26:33+01:00

Donating and the coronovirus


Donating and the coronovirus In these troubled times Beacon Commodities are supporting three fantastic charities by donating money every time they sell a kilo of Juniper Berries during the current UK lockdown. We continue to back the fantastic work that Save the Children and the Great Ormond Street Hospital do in keeping children safe both here in the UK and across the globe. Additionally we are also donating to the Drinks Trust recognising how Beacon’s customers rely heavily [...]

Donating and the coronovirus2024-07-24T16:32:19+01:00
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