
Harvested English Coriander seed,


English Coriander seed harvest After many years of testing English weather conditions and difficulties in drying the English Coriander seed, we are pleased to report a bumper yield for the 2019 crop. Harvest We decided to harvest the seed on 20th and 21st September with what looked like 3 weeks of continuous rain to follow. Luckily, we did as the 'Weatherman' was for once correct and any delay would have destroyed the whole crop. The combine was [...]

Harvested English Coriander seed,2019-11-05T15:35:26+00:00

Inspecting this year’s Juniper crop


Inspecting this year’s Juniper crop Tommy has just returned from a recent trip to inspect this year’s Juniper crop and to discuss plans with collectors. The demand for Juniper continues to rise and not just for the distillation of gin. The market for Juniper berry oil used across many trades, such as the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry, continues to grow, placing pressure on what we hope will be a good harvest. Collectors During his trip, Tommy met [...]

Inspecting this year’s Juniper crop2019-07-29T12:07:44+01:00

Preparing to harvest this year’s Juniper crop


Preparing for the new crop of juniper to be harvested A short video of us checking this years great crop - check it out below! Read the full article on the juniper harvest in Macedonia here

Preparing to harvest this year’s Juniper crop2019-07-27T13:45:34+01:00

Video of juniper harvesting in Macedonia


Video of the juniper being harvested in Macedonia 2018 We put together a short video following our trip to Macedonia this year - check it out below! Read the full article on the juniper harvest in Macedonia here

Video of juniper harvesting in Macedonia2020-04-23T11:27:52+01:00

The Craft Distilling Expo London 2018


The Craft Distilling Expo, London 26th – 27th September 2018 Beacon Commodities have returned from a successful exhibition at the Craft Distilling Expo in London. Held in the Old Truman Brewery off Brick Lane, the show attracted distillers from around the world. Michael gave a presentation on ‘Citrus Fruit’ to a lively audience and there was great interest shown in the Beacon Commodities stand across the two days. We put together a brief video on various botanicals for the [...]

The Craft Distilling Expo London 20182018-10-02T16:23:15+01:00

Botanical supplies and Brexit


Botanical supplies and Brexit Britain will leave the EU on 29th March 2019, which is only seven months away! Focusing on botanicals We have been asked how a possible ‘no deal’ will affect botanical supplies within the UK. With so much we cannot control and little information on what Brexit is going to look like we thought it was important to focus on the things we can control. Shipments and border crossings It is likely [...]

Botanical supplies and Brexit2018-09-03T10:51:05+01:00

UK Angelica


UK AngelicaFinally after a few heavy rainstorms our Angelica seems to be well underway.We planted this in the Fens back in May and got off to a slow start with a lack of rain. We had to irrigate it on three separate occasions but luckily the Beacon Commodities’ rain dances have been working well!Harvest will be in October 2019 so watch this space!

UK Angelica2018-09-03T10:48:25+01:00

Video of Angelica planting


Video of planting angelica in the UK Beacon Commodities have planted a trial site of angelica in the heart of the Fens in the UK. See the short video below. Click here to read the full article

Video of Angelica planting2018-06-13T10:57:03+01:00

Planting angelica in the UK


Planting Angelica in the UK Beacon Commodities planted a trial site of angelica in the heart of the Fens near Huntingdon. We are excited to share with you our second UK based project. Once again, we are tackling the ‘indifferent’ UK weather and attempting to grow a key gin botanical in the UK. We have planted a trial site of angelica in the heart of the Fens near Huntingdon. Countryside that is well known for producing excellent agricultural crops. [...]

Planting angelica in the UK2018-06-13T10:58:25+01:00

Lemon processing in Egypt video


Lemon processing in Egypt Video We have put together a short video showing Michael hard at work peeling lemons in Egypt.

Lemon processing in Egypt video2018-03-27T12:57:40+01:00
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