
English coriander 2024


English coriander August 2024 Finally, summer has arrived and with it the warmer weather. Our UK Coriander is in full bloom and absolutely covered in honeybees collecting pollen in their pollen sacks. The pollen is an important protein for the bees and especially the Queen who can lay over 3,000 eggs in a single day. Fingers crossed for more hot dry weather, and we should then be able to harvest in mid-September.

English coriander 20242024-08-07T09:21:00+01:00

Moroccan corriander crop


Moroccan Corriander crop Michael recently went to Morocco to see what the damage had been to the coriander crop due to the heavy rains which arrived at the time of harvest. Parts of the crop were “water damaged” meaning is was far darker than the usual honey coloured seed we are used to. Beware of the dark seed which may have a musty smell. Only 20% of the crop was harvested before the rains, so there is a premium [...]

Moroccan corriander crop2023-08-23T10:20:05+01:00

English Coriander Seed


English Coriander Seed The earliest harvest yet of our English Coriander Seed. In 2021, we put out this report in December due to the extremely late harvest. Fast forward a year and we are pleased to report the earliest harvest yet of our English Coriander Seed. Drought resistant Coriander is an extremely drought resistant plant and our crop coped well in Sussex’s summer/Saharan conditions this year. It certainly could have done with a drop of rain throughout July/August [...]

English Coriander Seed2022-10-10T14:54:58+01:00

The Russian / Ukrainian situation


The Russian / Ukrainian situation Where does botanical sourcing sit? Beacon Commodities have been following the events in Ukraine closely and are appalled with President Putin’s actions and the suffering it has caused to Ukraine and its people. Solidarity with Ukraine For a number of years, Beacon Commodities has sourced coriander from Russia and Ukraine. To show support for Ukraine, the sourcing of Russian coriander will cease immediately and any profits from the remaining stock will be [...]

The Russian / Ukrainian situation2022-03-17T12:56:08+00:00

Sussex Coriander


Sussex Coriander English coriander from planting right through to harvest The fact that this report is being sent out in December is not due to Tommy putting his feet up! We promise. It is a case of extremely testing growing conditions from planting right through to harvest. April and May in Sussex were unseasonably cold with a number of frosts throughout both months. This meant that the planting of the coriander crop was delayed until 2nd [...]

Sussex Coriander2021-12-14T11:56:29+00:00

English coriander seed harvest


English coriander seed harvest in Sussex. After a testing year across the globe, we were very pleased with the results of our latest English coriander seed harvest in Sussex. Quality of the coriander seed The yield and quality of the seed have both been excellent and the seed has now been cleaned packaged and delivered to our Warehouse so no issues with delays crossing the EU borders. Harvest The crop suffered slightly after planting with a very [...]

English coriander seed harvest2021-01-19T10:46:48+00:00

UK Coriander 2020


UK Coriander 2020 Our UK Coriander has burst into life following the last few days of rain. We will hopefully harvest this in September and fingers crossed for a warm and sunny summer. This crop maybe more important than ever with reports of reduced yields across Morocco and Eastern Europe.

UK Coriander 20202020-07-15T22:18:28+01:00

Harvested English Coriander seed,


English Coriander seed harvest After many years of testing English weather conditions and difficulties in drying the English Coriander seed, we are pleased to report a bumper yield for the 2019 crop. Harvest We decided to harvest the seed on 20th and 21st September with what looked like 3 weeks of continuous rain to follow. Luckily, we did as the 'Weatherman' was for once correct and any delay would have destroyed the whole crop. The combine was [...]

Harvested English Coriander seed,2019-11-05T15:35:26+00:00

Planting new Coriander crop


Planting UK Corriander Good news! Our 2019 crop of UK Coriander was planted on Wednesday 24th April All fingers are now crossed at Beacon Commodities that the weather remains warm and the crop gets a ‘drink’ soon! More updates to follow during the year.

Planting new Coriander crop2019-04-30T14:22:23+01:00

The Craft Distilling Expo London 2018


The Craft Distilling Expo, London 26th – 27th September 2018 Beacon Commodities have returned from a successful exhibition at the Craft Distilling Expo in London. Held in the Old Truman Brewery off Brick Lane, the show attracted distillers from around the world. Michael gave a presentation on ‘Citrus Fruit’ to a lively audience and there was great interest shown in the Beacon Commodities stand across the two days. We put together a brief video on various botanicals for the [...]

The Craft Distilling Expo London 20182018-10-02T16:23:15+01:00
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