Visiting a supplier of cinnamon in Sri Lanka


Visiting a supplier of cinnamon in Sri Lanka A very lucky Tommy was recently in Sri Lanka to visit a supplier of cinnamon. Escaping the UK wind and rain, he was able to explore a special country for the first time and learn more about this special spice. Traditional methods with a long history: The cultivation, harvesting and processing of cinnamon is incredibly skilful with methods remaining unchanged for over a thousand years. There is evidence dating [...]

Visiting a supplier of cinnamon in Sri Lanka2020-03-20T13:26:11+00:00

Coronovirus and botanical supplies


Coronavirus and botanical supplies The effects of Coronavirus are being felt worldwide and it is not yet under control. Therefore we should expect further consequences and enforced controls over the coming months.. We are lucky at Beacon Commodities in that none of our botanicals currently come from China. This is possibly a surprising fact given the range of spices and botanicals China grows. Forward Planning We must however plan for the worst with the likelihood that the spread [...]

Coronovirus and botanical supplies2020-02-25T15:49:17+00:00

English Angelica Harvest


English angelica harvest We are excited to report that our English Angelica has just been harvested after 15 months in the ground This is another step forward to increasing the number of UK grown gin botanicals. Growing more UK gin botanicals. Being botanical-traders we source all manner of herbs, spices and roots from around the world bringing them into our UK warehouse. However, we have always had a burning ambition to try and grow more UK gin [...]

English Angelica Harvest2019-09-30T12:23:15+01:00

Brexit and botanical trading


Brexit again -  and the future for botanical trading There is much uncertainty surrounding the details and what the outcome of Brexit might mean for botanical trading. At Beacon Commodities, we produced a report in August 2018 in similar circumstances and here we are 12 months later, with no clearer picture but a lurch towards the possibility of a no-deal. In our 2018 report we focussed as a business on what Beacon Commodities could do to prepare for [...]

Brexit and botanical trading2019-09-11T14:53:18+01:00

Inspecting this year’s Juniper crop


Inspecting this year’s Juniper crop Tommy has just returned from a recent trip to inspect this year’s Juniper crop and to discuss plans with collectors. The demand for Juniper continues to rise and not just for the distillation of gin. The market for Juniper berry oil used across many trades, such as the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry, continues to grow, placing pressure on what we hope will be a good harvest. Collectors During his trip, Tommy met [...]

Inspecting this year’s Juniper crop2019-07-29T12:07:44+01:00

Planting new Coriander crop


Planting UK Corriander Good news! Our 2019 crop of UK Coriander was planted on Wednesday 24th April All fingers are now crossed at Beacon Commodities that the weather remains warm and the crop gets a ‘drink’ soon! More updates to follow during the year.

Planting new Coriander crop2019-04-30T14:22:23+01:00

Increased demand for juniper harvest


Increased demand for the 2018 juniper harvest Another year on and the ‘gin boom’ is in full flow. We now turn our attention to the Juniper harvest. This vital ingredient for the distillation of gin is under high demand and at Beacon Commodities it is time to finalise all our purchases following a full year of planning. Demand The greater the popularity of gin, the higher demand for Juniper, both for distillation and then use in oil extraction [...]

Increased demand for juniper harvest2020-04-23T11:27:52+01:00

Botanical supplies and Brexit


Botanical supplies and Brexit Britain will leave the EU on 29th March 2019, which is only seven months away! Focusing on botanicals We have been asked how a possible ‘no deal’ will affect botanical supplies within the UK. With so much we cannot control and little information on what Brexit is going to look like we thought it was important to focus on the things we can control. Shipments and border crossings It is likely [...]

Botanical supplies and Brexit2018-09-03T10:51:05+01:00
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