Macedonia 2023 Juniper crop
Michael and Tommy visited Macedonia at the end of April 2023
Visiting Macedonia
Michael and Tommy visited Macedonia at the end of April for a (very) early sneak peek at what to expect from the 2023 crop. The trip was more about planning following one of the worst yields in 2022 and given harvest is 5/6 months away.
Concentrating on supplying our existing customers
With a very poor yield across the Balkans in 2022, we concentrated on supplying our existing customers and did not take on any new Juniper business. It is a cliché to say, but in a difficult year you learn far more about your collectors/suppliers.

Supplying our customers
We were certainly encouraged that we were able to supply our customers with their needs and have a little spare. The whole experience has taught us a lot whilst also giving Tommy a few more grey hairs.

At the end of April, the lower areas of Macedonia are starting to warm up but the temperatures up in the mountains can still reach below freezing as was shown by the dump of snow which greeted us on the day of our arrival. Luckily, the weather cleared the day after to leave some spectacular mountain scenery.
See our video of the 2022 Juniper berries being cleaned here
A better year in 2023
The Juniper bushes were about to start flowering and the green berries on the bushes will start to ripen (fingers crossed) in June.
We are hoping for a better year in 2023 and are now at the mercy of the weather and nature!
Please feel free to contact either Tommy or Michael direct to discuss in greater detail.
Tommy can be contacted on either +44 7900 244 939 or
Michael can be contacted on either +44 1273 844 264 or