Coronavirus and botanical supplies
The effects of Coronavirus are being felt worldwide and it is not yet under control. Therefore we should expect further consequences and enforced controls over the coming months..
We are lucky at Beacon Commodities in that none of our botanicals currently come from China. This is possibly a surprising fact given the range of spices and botanicals China grows.
Forward Planning
We must however plan for the worst with the likelihood that the spread of the virus may affect botanical shipments from other countries. Coupled with this, China is responsible for the production of a wide range of products ranging from packaging to machinery. Delays in the shipment of these goods are having a knock-on effect for all industries and the current shutdown in Chinese factories must not be underestimated. The lack of containers leaving or entering China is throwing usual shipping programmes out of kilter making planning more difficult.
Contacts in China
We have many contacts in China with most reporting that they have not returned to their factories or offices since the start of the Lunar holidays on 24th January.