Forest fires in Macedonia and the Juniper crop

Tommy returned from a very restricted trip to Macedonia at the end of July.

Macedonia governmental restrictions

Macedonia has suffered badly this year from forest fires. As a result, the Government has placed strict restrictions on movement in and around the mountains.

Forest fires

Macedonia has been gripped by an intense heatwave with numerous days over 40°C. This has resulted in 3 major forest fires. One in the south on the Greek border, one in the west on the Serbian border and one just to the east of Skopje. Fortunately, they are mostly under control now with a number of neighbouring countries providing aid.

The fires have predominantly been in the pine forests and away from open the open mountains where the Juniper bushes are located. Although some Juniper bushes may have been lost or damaged, it is lucky the situation is not worse (for Juniper). One issue we will be monitoring closely is the possibility of smoke taint.

Understandably, the Government has put in place very strict restrictions for access to the forests and surrounding areas with large fines and prison sentences if you are caught. The police are also stopping cars from entering the hills with many being turned away if there is no good reason to be there. Many locals/residents of the hills have also joined in preventing access to ‘visitors’ in an attempt to protect the area.

macedonian forest juniper crop
Ripe and un-ripe berries
macedonia juniper crop 2024
Some lonely Juniper bushes by the road

The 2024 Crop

It is too early to tell what the 2024 crop will bring but best guesses suggest a smaller crop than 2023. Demand as always will be a key factor. Worldwide demand in the gin industry for Juniper is well down but demand from the cosmetic/essential oil trade is well up which may counteract this. Something to watch when the market opens.

Beacon have good stocks of the 2023 crop which is excellent quality.

Please feel free to contact either Tommy or Michael direct to discuss in greater detail.
Tommy can be contacted on either +44 7900 244 939 or .
Michael can be contacted on either +44 1273 844 264 or .